I missed my annual MLK trip with some of the best friends in the whole world... the girlherd, because I was sick with the dreaded African Sleeping Sickness that I got from a teetsy fly -- just kidding, I made that up -- but I seriously had several ear infections and a sinus infection and my throat developed golf ball size lumps and I felt like I had swallowed glass shards. ANYWAY, I digress, I am lucky enough to be a part of a wonderful, extraordinary group of girls that have been able to maintain their friendships from elementary school and middles school for some --through high school, college, grad school, med school and law school for some, life in general, marriage(s), divorces and the births of our children. We have made it through heated fights, divorces, broken hearts, broken dreams and many other personal catastrophes. Despite the distance we still remain close and travel to see each other every year. I missed it this year and I miss them very much. I am very proud of each and everyone of them and what they have accomplished in life as they are truly smart, beautiful, funny, and accomplished women -- my girls -- i love you all.
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Thanks for the comment chumpee!